- Introduction
- Definition of Unlimited Internet Access
- Multiple Logons
- Resale of Services or Sharing Account
- Warranty Disclaimer
- Customer Files
- Idle Timeout
- Bulk E-mail Prohibited
- Usenet Abuse Prohibited
- Lawful Purpose & Use
- Other Unacceptable Conduct
- Responsibility for Content
- Acceptable Use of Other Networks
- Violations of Terms & Conditions of Use
- Billed Accounts
- Use of a Credit Card
- Refunds
- Other Billing Practices
- Vwave IP Addresses
- Termination and Default
- Monitoring and Privacy
- Responsibility for long-distance charges
Usage :: Violations of Terms or Conditions
Vwave is a private company, not required to offer or provide services. Accordingly, Vwave is solely responsible for determining if a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy has occurred. Vwave reserves the right to review or censor materials and information, transmitted through our network. Abuse of the Acceptable Use Policy, could result in suspension or termination of service without notice. Vwave reserves the right to interpret this Acceptable Use Policy in its sole discretion and to amend, revise, add or delete any provision of this Acceptable Use Policy without prior notice to the customer.