- Introduction
- Definition of Unlimited Internet Access
- Multiple Logons
- Resale of Services or Sharing Account
- Warranty Disclaimer
- Customer Files
- Idle Timeout
- Bulk E-mail Prohibited
- Usenet Abuse Prohibited
- Lawful Purpose & Use
- Other Unacceptable Conduct
- Responsibility for Content
- Acceptable Use of Other Networks
- Violations of Terms & Conditions of Use
- Billed Accounts
- Use of a Credit Card
- Refunds
- Other Billing Practices
- Vwave IP Addresses
- Termination and Default
- Monitoring and Privacy
- Responsibility for long-distance charges
Usage :: Idle Timeout
While your computer or network is connected to our server a timer counts the amount of time that you are not transmitting or receiving data across your modem. When the counter reaches eighteen hundred seconds the server will automatically disconnect you from our network. As long as you are either transmitting or receiving data that timer will stay at zero.